“From the rising of the sun, to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised” Psalm 113:3
Well Autumn is nearly over, and winter is on its way. The trees have nearly lost their leaves, and are creating lots of work for the gardeners unfortunately.
The other day I came across a tree bravely hanging on to all of its autumn glory. Its vivid colours really stopped me in my tracks, I was struck by how truly beautiful this tree was at that moment.
I am sure that at some point, we have all been struck by the beauty of nature. Whether it’s a tree, a view, a spider web, or something else, there are times when nature truly takes our breath away. We marvel at the wonder of this world, and we marvel at the amazing God who created it.
In the UK there are around 100 different species of trees, and worldwide, there are an estimated 73,300 species!
People can make some truly beautiful and wonderful things, but God imagined, designed and made 73,300 types of trees!
If you can today, take some time out to explore and gaze at the beauty of nature, even if its from your living room window. Take time to look at the detail of creation, and thank God for his wonderful creativity.
Psalm 89:11
The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all.
Note: Use menu tab at the top to view previous sunrises